Montag, 27. Mai 2013

Apps For: health, sports and losing weight

In the last time I wrote many articles about sport apps. Now I'm gonna present many others of them, but not only for sport, also for health and your body in general.
The tips I tell you now are all from the newspaper, which came in contingency to me :-)

Category A: Sport and losing weight
1. Endomondo (iOS and Android)
2. Runtastic (iOS and Android)
3. Sports Tracker (iOS and Android)  --> Post by nicknick94 abot this app! HEREHEREHERE
4. RunKeeper (iOS and Android)
5. Lose it! (iOS and Android)

Category B: Health
1. AquaPlan (only iOS)
2. Drinking Water (only Android)

Category C: Gym
1. Jefit (iOS and Android)

Have fun!
Source: Heilbronner Stimme

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