EN Maybe you noticed the little snow flakes on the blog. I just found this little gadget on Google. Here I wrote the HTML text for you. Just copy it an paste it into the "HTML/Java-Gadget" on Blogger.
When you've install it, you have this small Gadget with no text (or pics) on your blog. Put it at the bottom of the gadget zone.
DE Vielleicht hat der ein oder andere gemerkt, dass vor wenigen Wochen diese kleinen weißen Punkte im Blog hinunterfielen. Das habe ich mit dem Schneeflocken-Gadget gemacht. Ich habs im Internet gefunden und ihr könnt dann diesen Code einfach in das Gadegt "HTML/Java" einfügen. Wenn ihr es installiert habt, dann erscheint natürlich auch ein Gadget-Feld rechts. Da steht nicht drin, zieht es also nach ganz unten.
'<script> if (typeof onload_queue == 'undefined') var onload_queue = []; if
(typeof dom_loaded == 'boolean') dom_loaded = false; else var dom_loaded =
false; if (typeof async_loader != 'function') { function async_loader(src,
callback, id) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type =
"text/javascript"; script.async = true; script.src = src; script.id = id; var
previous_script = document.getElementById(id); if (previous_script) if
(previous_script.readyState == "loaded" || previous_script.readyState ==
"complete") {callback(); return; } else { script = previous_script; } if
(script.onload != null) previous_callback = script.onload; script.onload =
script.onreadystatechange = function() { var newcallback; if (previous_script
&& previous_callback) newcallback = function() { previous_callback();
callback(); }; else newcallback = callback; if (dom_loaded) {
newcallback(); } else onload_queue.push(newcallback); script.onload = null;
script.onreadystatechange = null; }; var head =
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!previous_script)
head.appendChild(script); } } if (typeof domLoaded != 'function') function
domLoaded(callback) { dom_loaded = true; var len = onload_queue.length; for
(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { onload_queue[i](); } } domLoaded();
function() {async_loader("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/38275577/snowfall.min.jquery.js",
function() {}, "snow"); }, "jQueryjs"); </script>
Have fun!
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